(Twin Cities Fox channel with Haley link)
Quote:Wheeling, Illinois native and former Idol contestant Haley Reinhart joined Good Day Chicago's Bill Zwecker Thursday morning where she says seeing all the hopefuls standing in line is like déjà vu for her.
"Standing in a line, you know, just being a hopeful dreamer. Knowing how it turned out, I'm so excited for everybody here, especially Chicago, one of the greatest cities -- is the greatest city. The support system here is like no other.," Reinhart said.
Reinhart says at this stage in the contest, hopefuls only have about 15 seconds to impress the judges so it's important to "bring your game."
Reinhart, who will be appearing at Lollapalooza in August, says Idol was not just a platform for launching her career, it also helped her discover herself.
"Idol is the biggest, greatest platform to teach you everything you need to know about this business, so I'm grateful for that. Most important thing, I did it my way. I found myself throughout the show and I'm glad I stuck to my guns, made something I'm proud of," she said.
Reinhart did offer some advice for anyone trying out.
"Just be who they are. Stay true to that. Be able to represent yourself in the best light," Reinhart said.