RE: Step Up Revolution Movie
I just went to see the Movie ! I see like 3 movies a year lately so that's a meaningful number (but i used to be at the other extreme seeing over 50 movies a year in theatres in my late 20"s)
I do have a 12 year old daughter who was excited to see it so, I had some cover.
That was really a LOT of fun. The time flew by, the kids all looked like really nice people, they knew they had a cliche plot so they didn't waste any time with more than the basic frame of a dialogue (and the dialogue, to the extent it existed, was actually very good at putting things in a non maudlin way).
The even managed to make the typical business person not look corrupt or evil even though they were cast as the antagonist (as you needed one)
The kids with the love interest even woke up after a night together under the stars with all their clothes on ! (which would have dissapointed me if I didn't have my 12 year old daughter with me)
Most of all
the Dancing was Great, and varied types...even some ballet with classical music snuck in along with the dance beat stuff.
And the dance beat wasn't any of that boy band cheesyness either.. just sorta club bump music
It was a Musical really, and I'm fond of musicals. Basically not very different from a Gene Kelly or Fred Astair movie which were basically just vehicles to show their dancing.
"Undone" sounded great , although my daughter kicked me for pointing it out to her after all the time she's had to hear the album in my car. They did sorta have a slight dig at the song by off-handedly suggesting the dance she did to it was a little boring. ..but, anyway, I'm sure people won't think that hard about it at all. It sounded wonderful in the big theatre.
I really think Haley's songs are perfect for movies. (I've said that before we even heard about this break having "Undone" in "Step Up" ) . "Let's Run Away" is a perfect roll the credits happy ending song for one. Walking on Heaven is a great "things are going great for now " montage thing.
Many of them might also work as a TV theme song with a few twists in Lyrics or something similar she's write.
Well ,
I guess i should tweet something to the forest of 0 followers I have about the movie. Do I use a #StepUpRevolution to reference it?
Here is what I mean :
Singing in the Rain is before my time and StepUpRevolution is after (and who can equal singing in the rain, but still)
Step up has that sort of thing sorta 2012 style
I can't seem to embed it on this formum to start at 1:05 but thats what I mean at that point after they're done with the short singing bit