Someone posted this email from Achiq74 (Rashid) in the comment section of one of Haley's remaining videos:
Quote:Yeah I found out about my YouTube account has been terminated yesterday. I knew this gonna happen some time due to copyrights. Of course I'm sad and kinda dissappointed because I have some of the most viewed of the season. And yes I lost everything. Well I'm not sure if I wanna upload videos of next season. I did that because of I have lots of free times and after going back to Austria I'm gonna look for jobs and I may not have free times. But will see
I'm also a Haley fan and kinda sad about this *sigh* I just wanna say a huge thank you for all your supports!! When I made the account I have no idea that I'm gonna have more than 9,000 subscribers and most viewed. I'm glad. All this because of you guys!
Someone else noted videos from other users are also being deleted.
Pete posted this link on Idoloonies:
Quote:Here is all Repad’s Haley performances (plus 2 Caley duets) in a zip file:
That's useful for those of us who are already fans. I would hate though if all her videos were removed because that would likely cost her some new fans. It's hard to spread the word if you can't show someone why you're a fan.