I woke up today thinking about Haley doing the rap portion. While they were rehearsing, Keith and John joked about John doing it.
Quote:Keith Phelps @KEiTHPHELPS
@Brando817Halien @johnnotto is gonna wear a bob costume and effortlessly rap his verse from top to bottom
Quote: John Notto @JohnNotto
@KEiTHPHELPS @brando817halien the 5 best rappers of all time: Notto, Notto, Notto, Notto, and.... Notto.
I wonder if they didn't give him a shot. It would make sense because Haley's father could have played the guitar while John Notto rapped. Maybe they did and he couldn't carry it off.
Breezy played with another band at Lolla. I feel confident he could have done it. That could have been the plan before he left. Hard to say without knowing the circumstances. Maybe that's a lunch topic for Fun Law.