(08-04-2012, 06:37 PM)My Alter Ego Wrote: Actually, Miguel, I would push the whole "choreographed" performance back further to Michael Jackson. As a part of the Jackson 5, he was the lead singer and a "twirling machine." As he grew up, his voice didn't really follow, but he learned how to continue putting on a show that would dazzle, despite his softer voice.
That became a model to follow, particularly for the wannebes (such as J-Lo, who simply has no voice). Unfortunately, I suspect that the bulk of audiences have become so used to a "musically soft" (the kindest I can be, folks), but visually impactful presentation, that few recognize real musical presence and expect "the show."
Yes, Babbs, Haley looked fantastic during the AI tour, but she was enacting the choreography that the AI folks had developed. Unfortunately, she hasn't seemed to be able to figure out how she might incorporate some of it into her own show.
That said, as much as I love dance as well (as music), I am becoming more accustomed to Haley's stage movements, and even though I still frequently see them as awkward, they bother me less and less.
I see where your coming from. I wish Haley would use more of her dance moves while singing. I guess in the excitement of seeing her live, you don't notice that there's not really a real "show" presentation on stage. The "show" in my view is in her vocal abilities.
Does that make sense?