I don't think anyone is crticizing where she is relative to her experience or questioning that she'll find her own way to get better at it.
Any discussion about someones abilities is going to talk about what they can improve on as well as stregnths and brainstorm a bit. Without sharing of reasoning its just a list of opinions. I wouldn't say anything about it outside a thread sort of bringing it up as a subject for discussion.
Haley's doing great and will keep doing better... thats all that needs to be said unless someone wants to talk about details of what could have ellicited the comment by the reporter.
(08-04-2012, 09:03 PM)alpha7388 Wrote: I think they mean other singers do not strike the classic singer "Diva" poses that Haley cannot help but make, being such a natural superstar.
Look at those photos for example. Incredible, classic, epic poses. I watched the Metric lead singer, and she is really good, but you couldn't find a picture in her whole set like those.
You're definitely on there... she's got a great camera presence and a real personal warmth to her on talk shows etc.