Wow, Miguel definitely hit a chord here with this thread that brought out the posters...something that has been building up within every Halien for awhile. We all have some strong impressions or feelings about Haley and whenever someone mentions something about stage movements, we do a little double take. Buzz too (B2...trying to be hip, or is that hip replacement) would like to weigh in.
I have really enjoyed all the comments on this thread...some really good observations and reflections as we approach another sign-post just that reads 'Haley Super Star'.
Remember when Casey commented about their friendship while on Idol...he said something like "we laugh at all the same dumb stuff"...Haley has a quick and quirky sense of humor. In the moment, something will strike her as funny and she loves to share it with others or just internalize it...and it certainly brings a big smile to her face. This is one of the defining things about Haley...she has a carefree, imaginative, humorous take on things...que sera, sera.
When Haley was introduced at MOA on the video I took, she immediately said to the guy who introduced her..."I thought you were going to give us a little dance. What happened to that?...oh well". It was funny to her, and it was humorous and cute if you put it together. She was totally at ease during that performance at MOA and her stage presence was very confident and her conversation with the audience flowed well.
The intro I referred to starts at 1:30:
Quote:Cherelann wrote
Haley's singing talent is a given, performance skills can be learned. Haley can add some choreography pazazz but J-lo will never be a singer.
Accoustic & jazzy Haley is my favorite so like MAE, I just ignore the obvious & focus on her adorkable demeanor.
ETA: I do think that her adrenaline was on overdrive yesterday & she tried too hard in spots. But like MNB said, this was a rock festival so understated Haley would probably have been out of place...Confused
At the very foundation of Haley...we start with incredible singing talent, add the star quality photogenic presence with the million dollar smile and the attractive personality...these are things that cannot be taught. The other nuances will come with time, but they are just added bells and whistles to what is already something very, very special.
Quote:Tom22 wrote
I think Haley has got to make it feel more like she is Hosting Us(the Audience) rather that she is a guest. Even if she is a guest, on someone else’s she’s been given full authority to “take over the ship” when handed that mic.
Quote:Himm2 wrote
I've seen her mom be a big influence in how Haley interacts with her audience. Her mom acts like she's your best friend, which is an endearing thing...
Haley does make you feel like she is your friend, just one of the gang...not putting on any airs. In that respect she is very approachable and humble...maybe over time entertainers learn to put on the 'act'. I really enjoy this stage of Haley's career. We all feel like we discovered something that others have not. Haley with all her quirks and adorkableness is all part of the process and the reality of what we love about The Slayer.