Quote:US magazine: Are any Idol people going to be at your wedding? Is J-Lo going to be standing there giving you away or anything?
JD: (laughs) Definitely not J. Lo. No offense. My Idol guys Stefano Langone, Paul Mcdonald and Casey Abrams are going to be there.. Like I said, it's very small. We're keeping it to people we spend a lot of time with and I spent the past year with those guys, you know, learning, and getting to know them. I haven't seen those guys in a while.
The wedding is supposed to be 85 guests in all. I wonder if Haley will make an appearance as a guest of one of the other Idols. I'd say the chances of that are 50/50 as I don't think she and James are fans of one another ("he needs to get a new attitude").
I thought this part was unintentionally funny:
Quote:We met at a karaoke party. ...I was singing karaoke and she came up to me