They hit up a small agency too, a hot one, creatively.
Quote:Chad Richardson @chadofalltrades
thanks to the crew at @WaltonIsaacson from @HaleyReinhart and @olemajorlyindie You guys were awesome!!
Walton Isaacson was just recognized as one of the top small ad agencies in the country. Current clients include Lexus, Unilever (Axe/Degree/Dove/Suave), Beam Global Spirits and Wine (Knob Creek/Skinny Girl/Courvosier), Caesar's Entertainment, One.Org, among others.
Ole brought cupcakes on these visits:
I've worked in agencies and it used to be common for photographer reps and producer reps to bring baked goods to entice people to come look at samples of their clients' work. I haven't seen that practice since the Internet became so prominent. And I've never seen anyone bring live musical talent.
The people who attended these meetings were usually individuals from the creative department who had time to kill. They didn't result in any immediate jobs. But they helped the reps build relationships and someone might tuck the work/name of some person away in the their mind for future projects (particularly if they excelled at some niche).
In Haley's case, an added benefit is word-of-mouth talk about her. Advertising creatives tend to be young and regarded as somewhat hip, so it can't hurt if they tell their friends an American Idol contestant pleasantly surprised them.
One thing to note about that picture is the associates are very young. And the ratio of men to women is almost the opposite of most creative departments I have seen. They might have more women because of the Dove account (or they might be Haley fans from account service). In any case, if this is representative of the turnout I would guess many guys passed on the opportunity to meet Haley.
Ad Age says the agency was formed in 2006 with four employees and today has 97 in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami and Tokyo. There is a tie to Magic Johnson so the main office is probably in LA.