RE: The American Idol ball and chain
There is a huge story angle Haley's PR peeps have not yet unwrapped in posturing Haley for a "beyond Idol" audience. Hers is a radically different Idol story. Present her as the AI problem child, or the red-headed step child, the cinderella idol who could talk back when cornered, whatever....Let it finally be told to the world that this is the reject, the cannon fodder that wouldn't go away on queue, the one who if left unattended would outshine the show. The American Idol, American Idol didn't want! The Un-Idol for the un-Idol world.
NOTE: Of course not to put her in bad light, or try to make her out to be a new bad girl, and not to recreate her as an ungrateful brat,…. and we all know how ridiculous yet vulnerable her attitude reputation is. That’s why we call their trade ‘public relations.’
Her walk through the AI mill was not the scenic route but a walk through the fire. Now she's rocking Lollapalooza on her way to Carnegie Hall while her demons are getting fired or put on the bubble at best, ironically wretching and twisting on the stools of doom previously owned by the Haleys and Elises of this world.
(With snippets)…She broke all the rules like....idols don't growl (God Bless the Child audition), yodel (Blue), scat (Moanin'), Idols aren't supposed to sing covers by legends, esp current no 1 songs....and nail it (Rolling in the Deep), yadayadayada.....
Show her many stunning looks....on a show which is to focus all the looks on JLo. Tell the Gaga story, the Led Zeppelin story,
"Take her down, Randy! JLo, you're second chair--you know what to do!" Use snippets from her whole season, followed by his and JLo's insane responses incl. you were screaming, you don't have the range, I prefer the Alicia Keyes rendition, and Gaga's offer of a previously unreleased song, "I didn't know the song therefore it was a bad song choice, therefore you suck really bad and should be sent home,” and not to be omitted the infamous "Yeah, I'd say that it's a tie between Scotty, Lauren, and James!!!" etc. etc. etc.
Everyone on this forum can outline the story better than this....this is just to say there is a great back story to Haley Reinhart that has nothing to do with being cookie cut by the American Idol template.
Haley has taken the high road for the past year and plus. She has graciously worn all the negative garb that accompanies the Idol experience, along with the third place designation ("Oh, you mean you didn't win?!?") She has protected AI and it's miscreants in every interview she has given. Now that AI is being reinvented and the said miscreants being ousted, it is a great time to let the story be told! And please include Slash, NOLA/Mayfield, Carnegie Hall, Lollapalooza, Montreux/Umbria, etc. etc. etc.
Haley got her moment on Idol, and helped give Idol their ratings. She has said thank you and is now in her “shindig” phase. All in all it’s a great time to …….
Break that chain!