(08-07-2012, 03:59 PM)BrandHaley Wrote: There is a huge story angle Haley's PR peeps have not yet unwrapped in posturing Haley for a "beyond Idol" audience...
All that is true but it's Idol overload for people not interested in Idol. I think it's best saved for new, devoted fans of Haley. They'll want to know everything about her and it will solidify their feelings about her.
What will sell people are performances that make them go, "Wow, that was amazing. I never expected that from an American Idol contestant."
Thus my preferred method of selling Haley is through her live performances. When someone tweets they don't know who she is, I try to educate them. If they're overseas, I might include a link to a playlist of repad's Idol videos because they can still view them.
The past couple of weeks has filled out Haley's lineup of live performances nicely.
I've begun including the professionally shot Keep Coming Back live performance debut. And today I started tossing in a 1-minute video of "Oh MY" shot at Lollapalooza. It opens with her in the middle of the rap and makes a nice contrast to the rest of the videos, which include "Free" on The View, "Wild Horses" with Slash and Myles, and/or Mayfield in NOLA or a video of "Undone."
Actually, I just tweeted that many videos at once for the first time today. But I think I had a surprising success responding to an online contest that pits Haley against Austin Majone, who may be "the next Justin Bieber."
He has 957K followers on Twitter compared to Haleys' 210K.
Austin fan reaction to the contest:
Quote:♥ @ItsGabbyMarie
http://www.fm97.com/pages/Bracket.html … AUSTIN IS LOSING TO SOME NOBODY SO GO VOTE FOR HIM GUYS
She has 7,500 followers. A follower of hers responded with,
Quote:austin❤carter☁mahone @SuicideStop9
Who's Haley reinhart? LOLOLOL and how is she winning??
I responded with a tweet that said, "Haley:" and provided five videos:
- Keep Coming Back, MN
- Free, on The View
- Undone lyric video
- Oh My, Lolla
- Wild Horses, Slash & Myles
The person with 7,500 follower retweeted it without comment. And the follower retweeted her.
So I think it's a victory of sorts if anyone watches the videos. Whenever I tweet links to Haley's videos I feel compelled to watch them myself. And my reaction is always, "This girl is too good to not make it big."