LOL Lovinda.
You're right Midnight we all do our part. The Haliens I mentioned were examples off the top of my head. There is also Haley-Holic at IDF with her of sense off humor and passion as well as poley who keeps us abreast of spins and spreads the knowledge of it's inner workings, and many more, including those on Twitter, who I may not know and many more I can't think of, and apologise not mentioning.
By listing examples of some Haliens I don't mean to omit others, because that list would be very long, and I apologise if that's the impression from my post. Sometimes my post speak from passion rather than accuracy, and I don't mean to be insulting if I don't post more Halien's names, who have supported Haley in their own ways throughout this journey, let's just say all contributions from all Haliens work towards a common goal... too many to mention, but all contributions are valuable
Keep the faith