So the Las Vegas "Blade Runner Extravaganza" took place earlier today and I loved the movie. We also had a great time talking about it afterwards.
Is Deckard a replicant? My friend says yes, I say no. My friend might be right because like the rest of the movie, it's suggested but never explained; nevertheless, I still say no because too many plot holes arise if he is. For example, why would the police let a replicant run around? And the movie gives you the impression that certain people have known him for years, and considering he was retired from being a Blade Runner, I don't think they'd let him live.
I found the movie very fascinating. It has great special effects (especially considering when it was made), but it was the character drive and story that kept me interested.
As for some of the writing and directing I will say it’s a damn good thing Harrison Ford always has his charm to fall back on, like in "Star Wars" or "Raiders of the Lost Ark", because his role as “Deckard” could have easily turned boring had it been played by anyone else. Rutger Hauer has some great moments, such as his monologue near the end, but it's a pretty darn creepy scene. He has a few moments where I wasn't sure if he was overacting or if that's how the character was written. Sean Young has a few great moments and a few poor moments. And Daryl Hannah, they could not have cast “Pris” better, she made the movie for me as much as any other single factor.
The landscape and the score are awesome in every sense of the word, just one big futuristic film noir. But what really made this movie work for me was that everything is centered on the "now". Characters are simply trapped in the plot, like flies being caught in a spider web (someone please edit Haley’s song into this movie). They don't make a big issue of their reasons, they just are. Humanity’s worst flaw is how we degrade people from other places and cultures so we can kill them without remorse. I thought "Blade Runner" handled this issue really well because it's a theme that's not forced down your throat, and you see both sides of the story. The replicants are clearly human because they do the same thing
4 Hearts