(08-14-2012, 09:40 AM)buzzenator Wrote: ^ I understand the Twitter concept; however, there will come a point when even this will morph into something else. Facebook has experienced the effect. I know many people that have gotten off Facebook in what could be described as the AI phenomenon. It starts, it becomes a big hit, people grow weary of the concept, a trend starts that labels it not cool anymore, it becomes old fashioned and cheesy, it ends up in the scrap heap of cultural trendiness.
I have many young nephews, nieces, and my kids that come over. We will be having a great family discussion going on...yet there will always be about 1/2 the young people looking at their phones instead of making eye contact or listening. They can't even be in the moment without being afraid they are missing something online. Wait until they have their own children and then we'll see what their communication priorities are.
Miguel's passion for helping Haley is commendable. If she had a thousand Miguels we wouldn't be having this discussion about lacking a big enough fan base. However, no one is hiring us to be a part of Haley's management team. If we are having this discussion, then her team of music professionals are certainly aware of the techniques necessary to enhance her career. Adele did not win 5 Grammies because she was great at tweeting with her fanbase...it's the musical talent in the end.
I think the comment Haley made to Miguel when he talked to her live in the photo op in Tyler, TX..."Oh, Mr. Questioner", after he had asked her a serious question during the Q&A portion earlier (and a good question it was), says a lot. We know Haley has that happy-go-lucky/Que Sera attitude. I just used Miguel's question as an example, this not directed at him, it is for all of us to consider. We cannot impose our good intentions on anyone. There needs to be a lighthearted hands-off approach in allowing someone to reach their ultimate potential. We are just fans, nothing more. We're not family, we're not management, we have no ownership stake. Enjoy the ride we take as fans, but keep the perspective that it should be fun and hold it loosely...no pressure here on our end.
Excellent point, Sir Buzz!