RE: What's Your Favorite Movie (and why)
"Possibly one of the most beautiful pieces ever written, even for such an unexpected trio: clarinet (Richard Faria), violin, (Ellen Jewwet) and piano (Xak Bjerken). Deep, heartbreaking, painful, wondrous, glorious, moving, breathtaking... Beautiful."
I don't know that I'd say it's one of the most beautiful pieces ever composed, but I definitely agree with the last sentence. "Avant garde" can take so many different directions. Sometimes it's nothing but a cacophonous mess, and other times it can lead to something like The Horse with the Lavender Eye (what a curious title). Thank you for introducing me to Hartke's work.
It's sweet that you still refer to both men as "professor."
Yes, I am a fan of choral music. And "Sure, on this Shining Night" is one of Lauridsen's best. The University of Utah Singers is an exceptionally good choir for amateurs. It's too bad that the man who was it's director, when this recording was made, left. And while I'm not particularly a fan of organ, I'd love to hear someone who knows his/her way around one play the one in the back of that auditorium. That's a magnificent looking instrument.