(08-16-2012, 04:37 PM)LovinDaHaley Wrote:
I'll take $40 worth...just because the shakes aren't too bad yet
Seriously, and we all know how serious the Buzz can be...(Post #11) Cherelann, your opinions are well thought out, low in sugar, but high in protein...even though you have sweet in front of your name! Excellent work and totally Haley worthy...
(Post #12) LovinDa...it's been less than 3 months since Haley's debut album has been released...LDH brings things full circle from the "the earth is dying" horror, back to it's gravitational equilibrium...once again calm has been restored. Thanks for the those insights and all you do...
(Post #13) Midnight...Haley believes 100% in what she is doing. She has spoken about this to other young people, inspiring them. You, my Halien friend, believe in her 100%...her inspiration is contagious. No matter what anyone says, predicts, laments, advises...Haley is the total package...100% pure Haley! Even if she only had a handful of fans, she would still be magnificent, because it is not based on the size of the audience. Very nice post...one day at a time...