(08-16-2012, 05:42 PM)suggahinyerteeth Wrote: I have finally stopped lurking in the shadows and come into the light. I agree with your opinion Cherelann. And thank you for sharing it! The only thing that should matter is this: is Haley happy? I think she is. She is doing what she loves and has put out an amazing album. And just some food for thought....maybe just maybe, Haley is not in as big a rush as her fans are for her "Stardom" and all that it brings. Of course I could be wrong, but it seems more important to me that she constructs a lasting career rather than being just another "flash in the pan" singer. Plus having her music in movies and on TV is quite an accomplishment that some "Stars" haven't achieved. I think Ms. Reinhart will be around for many many years making quality music!
Well said Suggah...and glad you came in from the lurking! Very nice 1st Post. I've always had a sweet tooth...now we have Suggahinyerteeth to go with Sweet Cherelann and Honey LDH...high carb heaven!
^And don't forget the Nougat...NUG