(08-16-2012, 05:42 PM)suggahinyerteeth Wrote: I have finally stopped lurking in the shadows and come into the light. I agree with your opinion Cherelann. And thank you for sharing it! The only thing that should matter is this: is Haley happy? I think she is. She is doing what she loves and has put out an amazing album. And just some food for thought....maybe just maybe, Haley is not in as big a rush as her fans are for her "Stardom" and all that it brings. Of course I could be wrong, but it seems more important to me that she constructs a lasting career rather than being just another "flash in the pan" singer. Plus having her music in movies and on TV is quite an accomplishment that some "Stars" haven't achieved. I think Ms. Reinhart will be around for many many years making quality music!
Glad you found your way, Suggah. Also, glad you didn't wait to 'enter the frey' and start posting.... The Mo' the Betta'