RE: WM return policy/process?
At some point there are lines that get crossed.
The problem with being too cute is that you eventually need to pay the piper.
There is a difference between "gaming the system" and abusing the system . Buying two similar items and bringing them home knowing you'll return one after seeing how it looks in your living room might be gaming the system. Maybe the retailer would support that (it results in a sale at a somewhat higher cost giving the labor expense of restockign the returned item) maybe they wouldn't. Buying something knowing you're going to use it during the return permitted period and returning it is just plain wrong in my book.
It all comes down to intent and also thinking of the general welfare of everyone, not just you and the store. If too many people did that, you wouldn't have that lengthy return period that allowed truly disatified people to return things that they found to their surprise didn't really work for them.
Now, buying he cds and returning them might have a well meaning purpose. Perhaps you're thinking that Walmart will make more money than they think if they stock more Haley cds. I can see a place where reasonable people would disagree with that. And we can all have "plausible denyability" places to rationalize things. Maybe I wouldn't lose any sleep ordering 10 , returning 5 and keeping 5 but still its a bit too cute for me to feel good about.
Still, at some point expoiting the system is going to create changes to a system that comlicate things for everyone.
On top of that, I don't think that its the way to any real gains in popularity or exposure. Cheapening my sense of being a good citizen for questionable gain for someone I'd like to help really wouldn't pan out for me personaly.