RE: Interscope signs Haley
Just a thought. I have bin reading all the buzz about Haley getting sighned, and there is a lot of speculation about this .Well when Haley says in a press conference that she got a deal, than we will know, and we can all rejoyce with her.She always says whatever will be will be and I truley believe this to be so true.But there has to be the right timeing also.just saying, what if Haley made the s9audition,would she have bin able to handle all the criticism? Symon was so was randy,I feel she needed another year to pollish up on her singing skills and to learn more fo music from her college>and in that year she learned much of both wow she might not have gotten to the top 3 eather.She also talks alot about faith, having lots of faith.I have faith to and i hope I dont cross the line here but i believe the good Lord is watching over her.When something is set into moation,It happens>HALEY said she coudnt see herself doing anything except singing Thats her calling and she has her time in the spotlight from AI exposure so she doesnt have to sing in bars small night clubs ECT.She will get he contract and if they let her singnthe good stuff she will do just fine CANT wait it will be forth the waiting.One more thing, I just hope the lable she signs with will give her some good materal and the pop crap that they gave to PiaThey have had a little tast of what the Little Pony can do >>>>>>>>>>>>laters