RE: Another 'Hero' Falls to doping
The whole idea of fishing looking for wrong doing years after the fact scares the hell out of me.
I've got no problem with blood testing that produces a verdict within days or month of an event.
Different times have different mores. "everyone is doing it" doesn't make something right, but it does make it the reality at the time the event was run.
The worst thing about looking for past crimes(looking for crimes, not looking for a criminal to solve a known crime, which is different entirely) is the precendence it sets for what we're comfortable with in others areas.
I like to pride myself for paying the taxes I owe...well I don't like to pay taxes but Im not a law breaker I mean. But, if you dig through any business persons past taxes you're going to find something that was so darn complicated in the law to present that they called it one thing when it should have been called another, or lumped them together a bit. In my situation it was usually pretty simple , or where it was complicated I wouldn't have owed taxes on that complicated part either way (funny how complicated stuff didn't make me money, but thats another subject).
But say you get someone in office that doesn't like someone. Or worse, lets say you get someone in office who's largest donor is a company you compete against and are about to seriously crush with a new product. If the conversation between the leader and his donor goes "what do we have to hold over this guys head" digging through a business guys past filings would be a good place to start.
There doesn't need to really be anything glaringly wrong either.. they could just push on some gray area about capitalizing or expensing some large expenditures and seek 3 times penalties plus back interest immediately and notify your banks of the investigation etc.... even if you prevail in court, which you would with the right attorney's, you'd be crushed by the attorney fee's and frozen credit .
That's why you can't have beuarocracies digging into past events looking for crimes in a selective manner.
To me that sort of power play is one of the worst evils in the world... but I got an issue with intitutions. Tyranny basically... scarier than a gun point robbery because its so systematic and still has power over you rather being some random act.
(I'm staying away from the Haley career thing for a while. It was getting too creepy for me to be that involved. I'll still be curious but I'm going to bite my lip about what I say and how actively I watch day by day events....the industry is interesty but ...well bite my lip time.)