(08-25-2012, 09:35 AM)Rcul4u998 Wrote: I can't wait to hear her perform a full version of 'Undone" (one with the verse that was cut out.) Her performance of 'Undone' was purely amazing!
At 3:16. after she says 'Undone' once, you can tell that she is about to go back into the "I'll come around again" verse, because she says the word "I." Instead of repeating the verse (an obvious and potentially huge mistake) she covers her mistake up by quickly changing the "I" to the word "Undone," which left her no choice but to cut out the final verse. She made a good decision, and someone listening for the first time would not even realize she had made a mistake in the first place.
Hey, welcome Rcul4u998...I'm wondering how you got my banking password and now publicized it for the whole world?
Well, I can certainly understand the logic behind the observation...it is a very straight forward explanation...but the conclusion that it was a mistake or unintentional change to the ending is not conclusive. Whoever is the real Haley Reinhart on this site will straighten it out eventually.