Photoshoot today.
Quote:Jenni Radosevich @ISpyDIY
Shooting today with @haleyreinhart and @parkeretc in BK for @nordstrom_rack
Quote:Amy Anderson @ParkerEtc
A day in Brooklyn with @ispydiy @haleyreinhart for Nordstrom!
Quote:Jenni Radosevich @ISpyDIY
View from the band suite at the Wythe Hotel with @haleyreinhart and @parkeretc
Haley is following Jenni. She has a website called I Spy DIY! This is how she describes the website and herself.
Quote:Working at a fashion magazine in Manhattan for the last four years has given me the opportunity to be surrounded by the most breathtaking clothing...however working in fashion in this insane city has kept many of those pieces at an arms reach. Everyday at work, flipping though hundreds of celeb style pictures, scouring the runways for trends, and being surrounded by New York’s most stylish women inspires me to find ways to emulate without breaking the bank. DIY is not only about making the trends affordable, its about putting a personal touch on your style.
Amy Anderson:
Quote:Parker, Etc.
A Brooklyn girl with a lifestyle blog about pretty things. Music aficionado. One third of the @BlogBrunch brain. Junior varsity DIY attempts.
Quote:Kelly Nash @kellynashville
After meeting @HaleyReinhart, found out she's a Sox fan. Told her I was going to throw her Sox flip flops in the sewer haha much love ❤
Quote:Kelly Nash @kellynashville
Us and @HaleyReinhart! Thanks so much girl for all your hard work!