Show has already aired in some markets
Quote:TheRetroReinhartFan @jerryt9789
@HaleyReinhart Is on the Steve Harvey Show on ABC now
Quote:Maria Halien @ScottyHaleyFan
OMG I'm watching haley as a JUDGE
Quote:Maria Halien @ScottyHaleyFan
this 10 year old singing opera or something
Quote:TheRetroReinhartFan @jerryt9789
@HaleyReinhart gave an inspiring message to a young classical singer.
Quote:TheRetroReinhartFan @jerryt9789
@HaleyReinhart says,"And the the winner of Steve's Got Talent is"....I will let Haley tell you guys later
Quote:Maria Halien @ScottyHaleyFan
So haley is only in the first half of the show guys.
I omitted a few tweets for now that were more specific but indicated Haley makes some funny comments.