Thanks for the video/update.
Artist's bio from a site for pinstripe artists called Pinhead Lounge:
Quote:Ron Jelinek
I started out as a sign painter's apprentice in 1960. Open my own shop in the Berwyn, IL in the late 60's. I did a lot of truck and race car lettering, I was involved in drag racing, and many of my customers asked me to do pinstriping with the lettering, so to do a better job of serving my customer and it looked like fun, I started pinstriping and like they say the rest is history. Now I'm semi retired and having a ball doing all the fun stuff and still building hot rods. It is so KOOOL now that letter and pinheads can get together at panel jams, talk, share ideas and just have a good time. When I started it was like pulling teeth to get any info out of anyone. I still love the smell of 1-shot in the morning, Rj the Wizard
Some examples of his pinstriping work:
They're auctioning off some of the other art balls (minimum bid $10K):