Thanks Tusk for the's a very lovely story and you tell it so well. (hat tip to Forrest Gump)
Seriously, we all couldn't be happier for you and Haleyholic. As much as we were all thrilled to listen live on the radio, we all secretly were wishing to be sitting right where you were at. Little did we know how special those seats were.
I have to laugh about the spy camera...the over thinking got to you and you DID buy the camera. I think it would be hilarious just to see some of that footage...don't delete it, it has Halien Superfan written all over it.
Maybe Haley's expectations were too high for her performance. I know artists tend to be perfectionists. She might have thought she could have done better. From our end, as listeners, she was out of this world wonderful...even with my Haleyenized glasses removed.
We will always remember her first Carnegie Hall appearance and for some of us that memory will be taken to a whole other level...congrats Tusk on your NY Halien adventure. Life is like a box of chocolates...