(10-09-2012, 04:27 PM)Tusk
[b' Wrote: Also, remember when Harry mentioned to Himm2, something like "money comes in money goes out"....Haley is footing the bill for alot of what happens in her career I think (including how many people in her band comes with her). So much we don't know that goes into the process of her performances with finances being a significant part
Actually, Harry told that to me when I saw him at Akoo when Haley recorded a video in May. He said "the money should be good when she starts getting money from the publishing rights". Haley's mom told me on a separate occasion that the record company had given her like $50,000 last spring when she was doing her radio tour, but that she had to pay all expenses (including band members) with it. And I don't know how long that money was suppose to last ,or if she had to pay it back with proceeds from her cd. But if you think about all the traveling she was doing, with hotels, gas, food etc, who knows how much she actually pocketed.
They say its not an easy business. But , it would be nice to know how it really works.
(10-09-2012, 04:56 PM)midnightblues Wrote: Do ya think Haley helps pay for her Familys traveling expence?
I was wondering about that myself. Her dad plays with his various bands on Tuesday eves and the weekends, and works a full time day job too. I dont know if her mom works or not. But traveling back and forth to LA and such has got to be a burden on them. I bet she does help out. I remember hearing when Haley was on AI, that the Wheeling community helped with fund raisers to help pay for trips to Los Angeles for the parents .