^^Thanks, Tusk, for putting together that video along with the audio. And bringing to our attention the story behind the trumpet Mayfield had commissioned in memory of his dad.
From one of the other vids I saw (from the Carnegie concert), I thought he was playing a Monnette (which has been Wynton Marsalis' signature horn for many years). I did a bit of research on those last summer. Just a standard horn made by David Monnette costs an astronomical amount (the
mouthpiece alone is around the cost of a decent King back in my playing days), so I don't even want to think what this one must have cost. Also, while I imagine it probably isn't, with all the extra metal in the braces, it looks like it would be heavy. In case anyone is interested in more info about the Elysian Trumpet, here's a url:
BTW, Tusk, I'm quite late to the party (had computer problems last week), but thanks for all the great stories and I'm very glad you had such an extraordinarily terrific time!