(10-20-2012, 09:43 PM)Miguel Wrote: Quote:Tim Brewer @TimVickiBrewer
Hayley Rineheart (3rd US Idol) performing new tunes for as at the most am @ San-Juliette Vineyard And Winery http://instagr.am/p/RB28OsiOHA/
Quote:Tim Brewer @TimVickiBrewer
@db_ros @haleyreinhart OMG my bad spelling great performance Haley! #OffTheRichter
John Notto's girlfriend spelled Haley's last name wrong:
Quote:Chloe Pappas @thechloepappas
Chris Allen and Haley Reinhardt @ villa San Juliette. W @JohnNotto http://instagr.am/p/RB7CIlk3tf/
also spelled
Kris wrong. No Biggie, I like Name that Tune better than Spelling Bees anyway.