(10-22-2012, 11:00 PM)midnightblues Wrote: BE RO what's that
I thought she said "B-roll" and took it to be a variation of "B-side" -- the recording on the flip side of a record.
Wikipedia says:
Quote:B-roll, B roll, or Broll is the supplemental or alternate footage intercut with the main shot in an interview or documentary.
...The term "B-roll" is now limited to secondary footage that adds meaning to a sequence or disguises the elimination of unwanted content. This technique of using the cutaway is common to hide zooms in documentary films: the visuals may cut away to B roll footage of what the person is talking about while the A camera zooms in, then cut back after the zoom is complete. The cutaway to B roll footage can also be used to hide verbal or physical tics that the editor and/or director finds distracting: with the audio separate from the video, the filmmakers are free to excise "uh"s, sniffs, coughs, and so forth.
It may be a term Akoo was using or one she has picked up on from being filmed so much.
Quote:Clement @Clement90241
@HaleyReinhart I saw you on the mall food court monitor and went on my Spotify app and got your album. Amazing voice and great songs! A+
^ I've posted this tweet in the Happy for Haley thread as well.