RE: Phillip Phillips vs his family?
We don't know anything about the situation and while I understand that he is a public figure that will have this sort of private dirt aired, I really do wish they'd chose their words in such away that presumed there was a legitimate reason that Phillp is keepinig private.
To brainstorm reasons why he wouldn't say anything or refrain (at least openly) from stepping in:
-substance abuse issues? rule 1 is not to give cash to someone spinning out of control (of course if this were the case he would not make it public)
- family attempts to entangle him financially as a party to their debts - or some sort of nuance to the law in his state in terms of being responsible if you start to pay something. Obviously you wouldn't talk about your plan publically
- legitimate concern over the approach the family is taking to right their financial future and a belief that they need to cut their losses and restart instead of continuing to flounder in a way that led to their current problem.
Anyway.. like I said .. pretty bad to report on "we are told" him not doing anything and suggesting that if he didn't return their calls he was being dodgy about the whole situation.