Buzz You're such a sweetie! My DH is in construction, he's a commercial electrician. It's been hard to find/keep a job in that line of work here because of the economy. Seems like the better jobs do test, but many don't. I would say that getting hurt on the job and possibly being drug tested is his only reason for NOT smoking MJ. :cool: My job doesn't test, and doesn't mention testing in the handbook either. I know quite a few of the people I work with directly either do smoke, or don't have a problem with people who do. My job requires a sparkling clean background, bonding, we deal with peoples most private information and literally millions of dollars in receipts and disbursements daily. You'd think they'd test, huh? I don't think I've ever mentioned...did I ever tell you I'm a cancer survivor? :D I've also won awards almost every year for outstanding performance in my job position.
Tusk I agree it's sickening the amount of money wasted on people posessing small amounts of MJ. Also, I don't mind your long posts, they're very interesting :D I also think the prospect of being tested positive for MJ in a traffic stop when you aren't actually "high" is a big concern.
Babbs Funny video!! I never watch that show, it was so popular though. You'd need time, and not be easily offended with a twisted sense of humor ( I guess that's my version of a warning), but here's an interesting MMJ episode from a couple of Colorado Boys. :cool:
South Park - Medicinal Fried Chicken