(11-09-2012, 07:23 AM)NUG Wrote: Buzz, don't feel bad about your "bold" being gone, my smilies are not working, and you know I love those! We have talked about the fact DH could go somewhere else for a year and make a ton of money, we REALLY talked about it back when we were young and poor, but I think I would miss him to much!! Now would be perfect timing, our son will be off to college in a few years, and it would help us build our retirement funds up.
I thought about it myself...I've worked my way right out of the job market. As a former CEO (Chief EgOmaniac) I am overqualified for almost everything I look at...this is the feedback I get. My placement person says we have to "dumb down" my resume. Hey, I can do dumb...Mrs. Buzz will verify that.
I would do North Dakota for a short time, even if it is to help the next generation in my family. I figure if I go there, they will come...bring your warm clothes.