RE: Prop 64 passes Colorado election
I enjoy reading everyone's opinions.
I think the point of the issue here is "they" are trying to say pot is equal to alcohol, IMO (only because I'm pretty much a non drinker) it's not as harmful as alcohol. To keep it in the same category as heroin etc., is wrong, and thankfully the majority of people realize that. In regards to teenagers, yes, chances are high they will try it, but my stepdaughter (27) still never has, and my son (almost 15) doesn't plan to either. I tell him the truth, that I feel it should be legal for people over 21, but that I think it can steal a persons ambition. I tell him that's especially dangerous for teens, because he needs to focus & make sure he has the best start in life & the most options at HS graduation. Hopefully he keeps this point of view, he promised me to never smoke pot, do drugs or start smoking...