I really don't see the comparison between MJ and Cocaine or Meth or Heroine....MJ does no where near as much damage physically or psychollogically as Meth Cocaine or Heroine, or even alcohol or tobacco, for that matter...
If you become addicted to pot, it's more than likely that it's because you have an addictive personality and are likely to be addicted to more than just MJ. Pot, in and of itself, is not addictive...you don't get any where the physical or mental 'withdrawal' from pot the way you get with ANY of those others...including alcohol and tobacco, when trying to quit them.
When you are relating your point by using extreme examples...why not use Oxycontin, Codeine, Ambien or Valium???....these are addictive LEGAL and MAN MADE by Pharmaceuticals, and getting off the addiction of these is far more difficult that MJ, not to mention ALL the SIDE EFFECTS that you need more drugs to cure.
Instead, to chose to compare MJ to the 'boogie man' of Cocaine, Heroine etc..., just like what the govt's been doing for all these years. Pharmaceutical drug addiction is huge among teens nowadays...they steal from their parents, and it doesn't have the stigma that MJ does....because it's Mommy's/Daddy's 'medicine'
The argument loses its point when the point is exaggerated/misrepresented to that extent...like clipping toenails with a chainsaw.
(11-11-2012, 12:22 AM)NUG Wrote: I enjoy reading everyone's opinions.
I think the point of the issue here is "they" are trying to say pot is equal to alcohol, IMO (only because I'm pretty much a non drinker) it's not as harmful as alcohol. To keep it in the same category as heroin etc., is wrong, and thankfully the majority of people realize that. In regards to teenagers, yes, chances are high they will try it, but my stepdaughter (27) still never has, and my son (almost 15) doesn't plan to either. I tell him the truth, that I feel it should be legal for people over 21, but that I think it can steal a persons ambition. I tell him that's especially dangerous for teens, because he needs to focus & make sure he has the best start in life & the most options at HS graduation. Hopefully he keeps this point of view, he promised me to never smoke pot, do drugs or start smoking...
I agree with NUG...the ultimate defense regarding any of these things is an open dialogue with your kids. If you lie or over exaggerate, and they KNOW that you are (just an open browser on the internet away), they will know that you are lying to them, with just a check.... then they will try anyway. The hope is that you raise your children right, informed and armed to be able to make the right, educated, decision when the situation presents itself and you are not there.
I don't want to be put in danger by people high on drugs either...that's MJ, Ambien, Oxycontin, Alcohol, Cocaine....all drugs. I don't think that is pertinent to this argument....someone texting going 70 mph on a highway can kill you just as easily.
The point of the vote is partially against this HUMONGOUS waste of resources for DECADES on this 'war' that will not end soon....lives and money ...spent to prohibit a simple plant that is siginificantly less "dangerous" than all listed drugs above.
Even though you can't have pot until Dec 6th, we have already seen a savings to the tax payers, as the Prosecutors of King and Pierce Counties have decided to drop over 220 minor possesion cases ....that's already a savings on all the court costs, jails, lawyers and legal filings....
Quote:more than 241,000 people statewide were arrested for possession over the past 25 years, at an estimated cost of more than $305 million
(11-10-2012, 09:02 PM)Tom22 Wrote: I'm not sure legalizing pot would cause it's use to sky-rocket out of control. Habitual pot use takes a more willing victim. I do know the drug though and it is different than alcohol in terms of exactly how it effects thinking and attitudes. I think its risks are particularly higher for kids at a point where they're defining themselves and really wanting to have a crutch to quit trying at an unpleasant task school might be. Once you like what you're doing , pot is probably less risky than alcohol...but that's all moving into tricky and very subjective descriptions.
On this I can agree...Children should not have access to ANY of the drugs discussed. Their mind and body are developing and introducing any type of drug into the equation may alter development negatively and irrevocably. I could never advocate that, and why I say the best prevention is knowledge and knowing they can come to you and get an honest answer.
(Of course this is a very generalised and in many cases unrealistic opinion, every child is different and reacts differently to any given situation. I understand parenthood cannot be encapsulated so simply. I mean it in philosophical, rather than 'applied', terms.)