I've mentioned in the Xfactor thread that I've really been enjoying "The Voice."
The battle round elimination format was a little strange but I've come to understand it as a vehicle for the Mentor/Judges to actually use as a decent tool for them to challenge and see what the musicians on thier teams could do with songs they felt were challenging to them in directions they should be challenged and .. IMPORTANTLY, used at that point for the mentors do decide themselves who they should take to the final 12.
It was a very important distinction that while they were introducing the contestants to the public that way, the mentors had also been working in teaching the contestants during the week. The battle rounds were a place that they used what they saw in rehearsal as well as how the contestants on their team could shine in under the pressure of the bright lights side by side with the team-mate to make the heart wrenching decision about which 1/2 of their handful they'd give a chance to go forward.
The battle format isn't nearly as lame in that context and I've come to think if I had to choose among kids I worked with that it would actually be a great way to help me make that decision intelligently.
Once you got to the final 12, the format is much more like Idol's.
We're down to 10 now (or is it 8 ?) so if you come to the show at this point you don't need to be bothered with that format anymore anyway.
That's post one...
Miguel doesn't let me divide up subsequent posts but I'd like to separate them out by contestant.
In years of watching these shows no-one has remotely caught my attention like Haley.
There have been plenty of very very talented singers on the shows... some perhaps with better "diva" voices. Some with both power voice and meaningful emotion and subltely (perhaps Jessica Sanchez ... her Beyonce and Whitney Houston covers were insane.. yet not better than the originals.. just extrodinary copies)
There have been people who sung things I respected but just didn't stimulate that extra level of musical irony or bring an uplifting sense of the world to songs serious or not.
None that I could listen to over and over and over again and be pushing repeat because I loved the music.. ONLY Haley.
but... this guy on The Voice is at least in Haley's musical league. I'm not going to track his every performance I don't think and he's maybe only 80% of what haley is (but Haley is like 300% above the crowd.. so thats pretty damn good)
Here are some performances:
Below is a battle-round. with the distraction of the other good peformer.. but I think you can see the benefit of the side by side in helping cee loo decide which smooth voice soul singer to bring along:
but here is a studio version of this with only nicholas on it: