I agree with what everyone has said here today. I definitely feel sad, down, and feel bad for Haley. I think she did everything she was told to do and trusted her management. She has always seemed optimistic, upbeat and happy.
I mean she did a fantastic job, singing on TV, Carnegie Hall , Lollapalooza, in clubs etc. She was thrust in front of gobs of photographers, interviewers etc. and she has always been a true professional.
Even after Pia was dropped from Interscope, she was picked up by Underdog Entertainment. I hope something big is in the works for Haley too! (its just too bad WE can't know about)
Her parents have always been there for her, and I'm sure they are advising her.
I feel kind of lucky that I live in the area where Haley is from. As Himm has said. At least I have a chance of seeing her if she ends up back home.