(11-23-2012, 12:22 PM)Jastal Wrote: I also think it was Kenny Poo's blog. I think he is a big fan but I also think some of his negative judgements were unfair since he doesn't know the full story.... None of us fans do. I agree with everyone who wants Haley to build a long time career and to stay true to herself.
FYI for those of you relatively new to HF...Kenny Poo, aka Flask Man, was on this forum posting only as recently as August of this year. Yes he is a fan, but he's one of those fans that consistently rubs other Haley fans the wrong way. If you called him on it, his response was basically FU. For a middle age guy he often wandered into the creepy lane when talking about Haley's physical attributes. Tom22 had an excellent point about the comments as being more for the locker room than for the general public. Miguel eventually had to ban him for a short period (it takes a lot of work to get banned on this site) and he took his ball and went home. He still feels he has the only correct viewing angle to comment on her career...it's called Histrionic Personality Disorder...look it up.
(11-23-2012, 01:13 PM)JT9789 Wrote: People are always trying to tell Haley what kind of artist she is, or should be, some think she is a jazz artist, some think she is a blues artist, some think rock,retro ect..ect.ect..Haley is 50 years of music wrapped up in one big voice! what they are really telling her is "Haley please don't live your dream,live mine instead." Let Haley live! and we, as fans, will certainly enjoy every show and Haley will reward us all with the magic of her voice and song writing skills. Unless someone (Blog Guy) works in the music biz, opinions like that ( its really an assumption not an opinion, just like those on mjs site) seem to have a hidden agenda and to call them fans is pushing it a little. Mjs site is nothing more then a "My Idol is better then yours site," so there agenda is obvious but the "Blog Guy" has no excuse
Well said JT...and a continuation of the discussion that others are trying to force Haley into their box...as Haley would say, "we'll see what happens"!
(11-23-2012, 05:12 PM)midnightblues Wrote: I don't want to minimize her feelings and I do hurt for her. The positive thing is that her parents were not shoe salesman or carpenters but entertainers that kind of know the business, and can wrap their arms around Haley and give her assurance. Because they understand what being an entertainer is all about. Being with people that really know how to empathize with you is better than been around somebody who can just say I understand how you feel when in reality the really don't. I'm thankful for her parents and for their guidance in this time. I to have hopes for her future.
Midnight, every now and then your brilliance just explodes upon the universe...stellar comments!
(11-23-2012, 07:05 PM)Babbs234 Wrote: I agree with what everyone has said here today. I definitely feel sad, down, and feel bad for Haley. I think she did everything she was told to do and trusted her management. She has always seemed optimistic, upbeat and happy.
I mean she did a fantastic job, singing on TV, Carnegie Hall , Lollapalooza, in clubs etc. She was thrust in front of gobs of photographers, interviewers etc. and she has always been a true professional.
Her parents have always been there for her, and I'm sure they are advising her.
There is no doubt Haley has been a team player even when considering it is a solo career. These results are for a reason and a season and there was nothing that points to Haley not doing everything she was told to do as an Interscope Artist. If Interscope is only concerned about accounting numbers then they are missing the big picture. Our Haley is...well, we all know...unique, somewhat out of the box. She is not going to resemble your current pop music cardboard cut-out. She does have a huge upside in the entertainment field...singer, songwriter, actress, spokesmodel...all still on the table for her at the tender age of 22.