(12-08-2012, 12:22 AM)john Wrote: Doesn't sound like an Undone kind of night.
Quote:swansteel @swansteel
Tonight has a different feel from last night. Tonight is total jazz club vibe.
Take note, she has not done Undone for some time, but has performed Oh My multiple times....I think that speaks for itself ...
(12-08-2012, 01:40 AM)Babbs234 Wrote: Tusk, how many people do you think were in the audience?
At the beginning it was about the same number of people, but to me, it seemd more Haliens come to see her. By the last 2-3 songs, there were more people around the bar, you looked up and there were people watching from the balconies above...might have been because it was Friday, but she ended up with more audience tonight than last night. Unfortunately, I didn't get Bennie or HOTRS but the crowd was hooping and a hollering as she was hitting pitches and notes that were inhuman... sooooo dammmm goood
We even had people dancing, which 'forced' me to zoom in to Haley more as to not be obstructed. In some of the songs I recorded I gave Keith and Courtney more video time, but what you miss is Haley's expressions, closing her eyes, her foot flicking to the beat, she was really really loving what "her boys" were doing...so much more synergy tonight