Total badass
Last Night (Friday) watching Haley and Keith's synergy, especially the way Haley admiringly watched Keith do his thing on his keyboard, I leaned over to Yanni and supposed that we may see an album with Haley and Keith before we see one with Haley and Casey.
Casey is a very talented musician, and he definitely shares a musical rapport with Haley, but in many ways, Casey's style is somewhat ....how do I say this....'manic'? compared to what Keith brings to the table.
When Haley slips up, she eases it into her performance seemlessly, all part of the show. When Casey slips up, you think "oops he slipped up".... It sometimes could be construed as unpreparedness.
I still think back to Himm2's video of Haley and Casey last year as they were performing "All My Lovin'" and Casey completely messing up the lyrics of one of the Beatles' iconic songs. I loved the performance and song, but....seriously....ouch! (speaking as a Die hard fan of the Liverpool Lads)
The vibe/synergy is
completely different between Haley and Keith, and Haley and Casey, seemingly from the beginning.
I was one that was vocally PO'd when I learned Neara was let go....UNTIL I saw Keith perform in Spokane. I still listen to their performance of NTYH, from Spokane to this day. After that, I never thought again about who should be playing keyboard for Haley. IMO Keith is an exceptional and incredible find. I love what he does on the keyboard, it's so easy and smooth...
I love Casey, and believe he has improved by leaps and bounds through his touring and recording experiences, but it's just different and seemingly more pure when I hear Haley and Keith perform together.