Tom22 Quote
LOL Buzz...
I'm not going to touch most of that but I ... well I understand the position you're in.
Anyway, its tricky . Marketing is vital. Image is vital. Music is the End All but in terms of making a career I don't think can be the "be all" (whatever that means..
im on a roll)
I'm just thinking that keeping things looking hip always is important. The smokey New Orleans jazz club is cool.. .. not sure if Carnegie hall is cool (but of course she had to do it once)
Anyway.. this is outside my field of expertise but, to get kids listening to her album , which is really cool, they need to feel there is something cool about it until they listen enough to get their ear trained to the sounds we hear and appreciate.
How to get kids to start appreciating the jazz runs etc has a lot to do with the image of the artist....can't deny that or avoid it (Like I said, it doesn't need to be a sell out.. Norah Jones didn't sell out nor did Amy Winehouse...very different people and there isn't one route..but never look stodgy in the least bit I'd think..
and something that looks "nice" to a 48 year old is probably damn sure to be stodgy)
Losing a lot of features here on the reply menu...did I forget to pay my monthly subscription?
You were on a roll Tom. It might help if I mention that I consistently beat my nephews, sons, extended family in the games we, disc golf, foosball, cards, etc., so there is this built-in hostility towards the "old man" as they so affectionately call me. If there is any opportunity to find a crack in the old man's armor, they are going to exploit it. Enter my fondness for Haley's music and they jump all over that, as if it is some kind of weird pastime. They must assume her looks as being what attracts any adult male, so I have to always state the disclaimer that I have a daughter her age and it is about her voice being so unique. I love the the fact they take their's all part of my personality (where's LDH when you need a confirmation?)
Yanni5 Quote
Hey Buzz, being in a casino bar, no really young ones obviously, however I would say the crowd was a mix of all adult ages. While most seemed to be in the 30's and up, there were some groups of younger people. One couple in particular that comes to mind on Saturday had to be in their early 20's I would guess. They caught my eye repeatedly as they were dancing and swaying to most of her songs, as well as mouthing all the words. They were definitely big Haley fans. I remember thinking it was good to see someone so young being that familiar with Haley.
As far as where they were post party, I was too in awe of the whole thing at that point to really pay attention.
Thanks Yanni, I appreciate the feedback. I just loved your totally euphoric smile in the photo on the really says it all! Haley has that effect on people.