(12-14-2012, 07:38 AM)buzzenator Wrote: ......(Undone) that Haley co-wrote and is one of "her babies", which seems to be pulling away from the rest of the pack, become something she can not get behind. It's not logical. It doesn't make any business sense. Given that her parents have to be a part of her team...they must be explaining that it doesn't matter which song people like the most, 'give em' what they want.
.......fondly as if to say that she has a very determined view of things...not going to call it a stubbornness...probably more like the positive aspects of the artistic side, totally focused on what she wants to do and become. (am I on a roll here...or did I lose everyone?)
My point is that it is not logical for the whole deal to fall apart because Haley wouldn't get behind promoting 'Undone' (and we don't know that is the case)...it isn't that simple. There has to be other reasons, all of which we have no clue what those reasons are. ...
Those sorts of questions are what keeps me interested in these forums.
I love a mystery
I don't think my opinions on things are worth more than that, but by writing my thoughts and theories out I get to hear what other people have to add and correct and sway with counter points and.. well we get to unravel the mysteries a bit ... or when the answers are later revealed we get to look back and postmortem our detective skills.
That's all fun, and if some useful input floats to the top of a general flotasam of opinions, (where finally after testing ideas "best practice" type words come into focus) so much the better.
Personally I don't think it is complicated at all why the deal fell appart.
I think the "house cleaning" is the true answer,
and I think that over time the industry has learned that they must clean house each and every year and cut all acts that haven't yet hit it big. They will miss a few but they'll also stop wasting resources on another couple dozen (yes, if you look at it they have dozens of not really big names on their labels.. they bring them in, hope some hit, then move o)
As crass at that might sound to us, all businesses need to make rules from themselves to avoid wasting greater amounts of time.
I know that most high end contractors doing home remodels and additions will routinely throw away extra wood and materials that they will certainly use again on another job and which might cost $50 or $100 and even $200 dollars a piece.. hundreds all told in a load. When they're paying $25 an hour which turns into $45 fully loaded with their side of taxes and enormous workers comp insurance rates, the time of loading the stuff up, and eve worse, the time tripping over it in their shop and contemplating for 10 minutes here and there whether they have extra in the shop etc wastes far more time than the materials are worth.
Sometimes they might get it right , but in some they get it wrong far too often and even worse, even if money is saved net of the time costs, projects take longer (adding a few hours here and there) from the distractions. The building contractor will sometimes let their own employees grab the good stuff that they're throwing away on their own time and take home to their personal homes (although they usually make a rule against that to prevent employees from over ordering, they'll look the other way when they know how the mistake was made).
So, back to the record label.
To be efficient, and be sure they have all of their energies always to commit to their known winners, they must cut acts regularly that might have future prospects .. "clean house" regularly ... and go full bore at what is working presently or what they're taking their first shot. (I'm sure statistics have shown them over the decades that their first shot has the highest odds of success and the rates of mega hits developing slowly are lower on average even if they happen regularly.. they are less regular.)
As others have said, that is where smaller labels come in. Their job, or their "niche" is often honing through the acts passed over. They rely more on their own judgement about quality I'd imagine and they have bars of sucess that might not meet the bars that the big labels have. I could see a smaller label perhaps thinking.. "we can make money if we can sell 200k units of this album which we know we can do through these channels if we do xy&z" where that definition of sucess would be a failure for the bigger label "wasting time and resources".
In that light, its not so much that the big label is even making a mistake ... they may find they missed an opportunity but they still have skin in that game too.. if they were wrong, it could be that the artist needed what the smaller label brought to the picture and the big label will consequently sell a lot of units of the first albums they still own a piece of.
Anyway.. i'm repeating ideas others have brought up and I'm running with them a bit.
I think, maybe I just hate the blame game and what can rub me as bitterness.. I probably over react to that sort of thing which is a problem of mine in itself ( : ) )