RE: Haley Reinhart on Interscope Split: "I'll Find Another Great Home"
Another good thing.. not only will she have a new group working for her, she still should have the old relationships on her side:
While the old big label isn't going to push Haley's act/performance above their current artists, they do have some incentive to see her do well. ( It's not clear they were ever pushing her above their current major acts.)
At this point, with the advance and the production costs behind them, they'll get almost all (less some fee's to writers ? ) of any additional listen-up records that sell ... if Haley's appearance somewhere isn't going to bump out their own artist her appearaces will make them money.
Another 100k listen up sales would make them 500k to $ 1 million "found money" . Should Haley find an audience in entirely different ways (see Jenifer Hudson, etc) Listen Up could still sell many times that ... all money they didn't count on and from a past investment.
Good relations with more people just keep adding up in the business. They might not have the right artist to fill in at the last minute at a star studded even and still recommend Haley. I wouldn't be surprised if that Ali , Slash thing came about because Fergies schedual (or someone else) changed last minute.
I don't think studios think very much about what fan's say but still,
I don't think fan's bad mouthing her past relations necessarily help people in the industries general "taste in their mouth" .. despite their active mind to entirely ignore fans.
Saying positive things about the past can only help.. saying negative things won't help.
I'm glad to see all the attitudes here going through the normal "grieving" process (denial, anger, acceptance )