RE: Vote For the Worst site shutting down. MJsBB to follow?
Great stuff Tusk.. .. I thought I wrote it for a second ... : )
A couple people even here seemed to like the x factor though and that seemed to have all the same old big ballad songs and sob factor thing... .. it did have a weensy bit more current music for a few episodes before they decided that rap wasn't such a good thing to allow rappers to do after all.
I've found myself listening to 5 or 6 songs of both Cassady Pope and Melanie Martinez from the voice the last few weeks.. I walk my dog a few times a day so I listen to music then and they're who I have been picking over all my classic rock and over listen up for the 675th time (need a break now and then). They covered songs that while not exactly new, were new to me, and they reinterpretted the songs enough, even if I would have recognized them more, that they feel fresh to me. No..haven't listened to the hippy singing the soul/Motown classics .. maybe I don't want a guy singing to me after-all or maybe it's just I'm tired of the songs.. probably a lot of the second on top of the first.
I know one thing. There is no way i could have watched idol the past few years (even haley's season.. but less so because i liked all the kids that year as people) without my DVR and fast forward (and also reverse.. i like to hear the good parts a few times) button. Listenting to the judges was like nails to a chalkboard.
Miguel.. interesting point .. I don't think my kids browse anything like a traditional blog with discussion thing. There are comments in you-tube etc but un-threaded and just bit lines to be forgotten. Words are too much work for them to read and that much text is boring for them (and my kids are A students in difficult courses -- i've seen their work and they can write quite a bit better than I did at their age.. they just don't want to).
Blogs really aren't as phone friendly and that's most of their web experience