Other than knowing my Dad liking to listen to Miles Davis, I don't really know much of his work....
So I decided to listen to His Full album, "Kind of Blue"
Not being a 'Jazz fan' I decided to listen to it anyway, while doing other things...
...of course the relevance is "All Blues" is on this album.
What I'm struck with while listening to the vibe or tenor or atmosphere of the album, is that Haley, Keith and Courtney really pulled that sound off. Their Jazz set really had that smooth jazz performance atmosphere about it....
BTW.... I don't think I ever saw this video before... I didn't know that any video existed of Haley @ the Umbria Jazz festival in '09. But aparently there's at least one, of "Night and Day"
Posted July 14, 2009
The poster is from Italy and his comment on the video is:
Quote:Una band formata da poco più che ragazzini....fenomenali...puro Jazz
Which Google transaltes as
Quote:A band made up of little more than boys .... phenomenal ... Pure Jazz
Edit: Should have looked on
Figure8's spreadsheet...he has the video on it
According to that Spreadsheet, Haley also performed "So What" (Also on Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue") and "Song For My Father" before as well...
I forgot she covered this too