RE: Casey Abrams- Stage it Show- Jan 24, 2013
James, Casey, Haley and Naima (in that order) were my S10 top 4 and I love and support all of them. I have Haley and Casey's albums in addition to James' album. I'm also not afraid to criticize any of them. Haley I think has fallen a little bit as a performer since Idol while James and Casey have grown. That however isn't her fault as she didn't get the opportunity to do enough full band gigs. Now that she's getting out more she'll improve, I think 2013 is gonna be a better year for her.
James' fans at MJ's primary motivation for their harsh criticism is that Haley still gets lauded there for her Idol performances while James' unique achievements in the real world continue to be ignored. I dunno why they care so much about the Idol sites, it's the rock sites that matter. James was a very unusual Idol contestant and I'm convinced the majority of "Idol bubble" folk just don't get him or his style, Idol is after all a "pop show".