(01-28-2013, 11:07 PM)Outcast Wrote: James' fans at MJ's primary motivation for their harsh criticism is that Haley still gets lauded there for her Idol performances while James' unique achievements in the real world continue to be ignored. I dunno why they care so much about the Idol sites, it's the rock sites that matter. James was a very unusual Idol contestant and I'm convinced the majority of "Idol bubble" folk just don't get him or his style, Idol is after all a "pop show".
But don't they see? The Rock/Metal genre and community would not look upon that kind of accolade as being 'cool', necessarily. James has worked hard to dig himself out of the Idol "baggage" that is anathema to the rock community, and making his own way in Rock... Do they need validation from an Idol blog that badly? From an outside point of view, the genre is about being aggressive, apart, non 'establishment', it is the Metal Fan that is able to recognise 'nuance', technique and skill in music others might consider "noise"....
I'm not sure that getting Idol praise from a blog is what a Metal fan would necessarily be impressed with.
The way I look at it, is it not enough that James has exceeded maybe his expectations at this stage? After a rough start, he seems to be doing fairly well especially because he's had all that performance/song writing/touring/producing experience under his belt. He has proved all the naysayers wrong and doing his own thing.
So instead of reveling on what James' has accomplished, the album sales he achieved, they would rather focus on a glowing critique of a Haley performance who would probably wish she could have sold or toured as much as James.
So Haley gets acclaimed?....would they prefer James and Haley switch outcomes? Have James get the critical acclaim for performance but move so few albums, get no album support or tour, that he is dropped from the label before one year is up?
Would they prefer to suffer that and then watch Haley get James' sales, Haley growing new fans as her touring experience increases?
I'd take James' post Idol
album outcome over Haley's any day.
Bluesman, I think you are misinterpreting what Outcast is saying, that because Haley hasn't been 'allowed' the touring experience, experience especially with her band, she hasn't been able to grow the way she is capable of. They haven't had time to gel. Even you can't deny that.
James and Casey have been touring, touring and more touring. They can't help but improve. These are not opinions these are facts, the more you do something, especially play together as a band, the better you get.
That, IMO, is a fair criticism. As Outcast said, we should look forward to 2013 as hopefully the touring experience will begin in earnest for Haley, and she will gain the experience with her band she should have gained last year.