Buzz, Im not parsing a thing nor did I claim Haley hasn't grown as an artist nor did I insist she needs to be part of a band ..... I dont know why you insist that I said this.... why are you putting words into my mouth? If anything Im bemoaning the missed opportunities that were in front of her
How does my wishing Interscope did more as being critical of Haley? For all the support I have given that is an insulting insinuation...
Saying that Free not hitting is THE reason that stopped plans for the tour is IMO speculation and just as much Monday Morning Quarterbacking as Im being accused of. Other than the video, not much else was done to promote it and intermittent, tiny radio station stops is not impressive to any audience.
Whether she choses to perform with Keith and John etc or anyone is STILL not the point.
The point is and has been Haley's fans have not been given hardly any chance to see her. She has missed on the experience of some sort of tour to the point that it felt like they were hiding hee.... Private events and little notice appearances in small bars and radio stations dont cut it.