The TV critic for the Houston Chronicle, Joey Guerra, is not a fan of Haley. I tweeted him in November, throwing his words back in his face:
Quote:@joeyguerra @HaleyReinhart - "the new Katelyn Epperly/Janelle Wheeler/blond girl we all forget soon" reached Top 5 on iTunes today.
18 Nov
Today, to mark the start of a new American Idol season, he has a new article out titled, "
American Idol returns (but these songs shouldn't)"
In it, he says:
Quote:And, yes, there have been some truly bad performances.
Season 8’s Danny Gokey terrorizing viewers with Aerosmith’s Dream On. Season 7’s Kristy Lee Cook massacring the Beatles. Finalists John Stevens, Haley Reinhart and Camile Velasco pummeling Elton John classics. Season 5’s Kevin Covais clucking through pretty much anything.
I left this comment:
Quote:Haley Reinhart “pummeled” Elton John’s Benny and the Jets so badly it’s racked up millions of views on YouTube and a 143-to-1 “like” to “dislike” ratio.
You should get your ears checked, or a new job.