(03-09-2013, 01:39 PM)mercfan3 Wrote: Tusk, I do have three responses to that.
1. Spreading music free, actually can help to spread music further. If Haley's song happens to be a part of a youtube video that goes viral, (gangum style, for instance) she'll have a hit on her hands...and her career will take care of itself. (Or, all the people who did videos to "Call Me Maybe." They likely didn't buy the song..it was barely out at the time that started. But those videos were a huge reason why it became successful.
2. Artists don't make money off of album sales. Haley's in a little bit better of a position because she's a writer, but more often than not, they don't make anything. They make money from touring. Thus..spreading her music freely helps her because she'll have more fans that attend shows.
3. People will buy artists music they love. (IE, Adele.) Haley just needs the exposure. Will some people steal her music, yup. But the more people that know of her, the more people will buy her music.
I actually don't think much of Haley's stuff was stolen. The truth is, with smaller artists, their fans typically buy the artists albums because they know that artist needs the support. (Just like all of us do.) If someone's suffering from "the digital age" it's usually a bigger singer.
Well this is all getting off topic again but you do make some good points.Not only Gangnam-but Lana Del Rey basically made her name by virtue of a couple of You Tube videos.And those were obviously put on there for maximum exposure-they weren't "leaked" audio or video things.
I don't know exactly what happenned with Haley's songs that were posted recently.Someone thought(they weren't sure) that they were sent to record companies for demos but I'm sure they weren't intended for mass consumption.At any rate they shouldn't be on there if Haley doesn't want them on there.